"Gonçalo Amaral, former-inspector of the Judiciary Policy, launched to the end of the afternoon of this thursday, the book on the inquiry to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. In the presentation of the publication “Maddie: The Truth of the Lie”, the man who led the process during six months guaranteed that “never it pursued nobody”, when questioned for the journalists on if this work would not be a form of persecution or revenge.

“I did not pursue nobody”, moreover, “the commitment of any investigator is the discovery of the truth”, said. It always added despite “it made the possible work, with good intention”.

In the press conference that elapsed before the official presentation of the book, Gonçalo Amaral answered the questions of the journalists and to the PortugalDiário it explained what it would have made of different form if it could come back: “With mine it equips did not leave that the inquiry had suffered with as much politicalization and pressures”.

The formerones advanced despite it would have made “more early” some you endeavour with the McCann and the friends, nominated, assuming “the suspicion” who fell again on them. Even because it had, in its opinion, too much well-taken care of and attention in the treatment given to the couple.

“Another result with another MP”

The former-policy related despite the indications collected during the inquiry “could have another valuation” with “another Public prosecution service”. E remembers that the official notice of the PGR only relates “to lack of tests” and not “lack of indications”. For the former-inspector a it proves is, in the deep one, “a set of indications”. “An indication is an indication. Two are two, three already are a test”.

Gonçalo Amaral goes more far and uses its long experience to affirm that it knows many people “to the wait of trial” against who “does not have any indication”, but only “inferições”.

“I do not make futurologia”

Questioned on if the inquiry it could have had another outcome I obtain to lead believes it that yes. “I do not make futurologia, perhaps but we had IDO more far”. Because it even remembers that “he was not the only one to abandon the inquiry. It also had an English policy that also it was retired”.

It is with some faith that Gonçalo Amaral believes the possibility of the case to be reopened, also recognizing that it did not write in the book “everything what it knows”."

fonte: http://diario.iol.pt/sociedade/livro-goncalo-amaral-pj-maddie/975095-4071.html