"The formerones of the Judiciary Policy, Gonçalo Amaral, responsible during six months for the inquiry to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, and later moved away from the case, assumes power to be “naive” but it believes, as other investigators that had worked I obtain, that Kate “would be in the disposal of, without if compromising, to indicate the place where the body of the son was, and that the same it would be placed in the zone of the Village of the Light”.

From a certain height, the mother of Maddie, started to transmit to the judiciary information that received from psychic and people with being able paranormais, on where could be the body of the child. One month later “it already placed the hypothesis” of the son not to be alive, although to affirm the opposite public.

The revelation is made in the book, “Maddie the truth of the lie”, that the formerones of the PJ, presents this thursday, in Lisbon, and where it tells, in 200 pages and 23 chapters, diverse steps of the inquiry and its version of the events. Between the many disclosed data, we find the main reasons that had always taken Gonçalo Amaral to distrust of Gerry and Kate and of the group of friends who with them passed vacation. It admits exactly that the couple was dealt “with clamps” and “privileges”.

Depositions do not coincide

The depositions given for the group relative at night of the facts, and in which they were it supper together, are not coincident. It has discrepancies in the hours, the sequências and the told details. They had been same you deliver to judiciary the two lists written by hand for the group, on the hours the one that the different members of the group had been to control the children. The two documents that are not equal and “an attempt is noticed” to fill secular emptinesses.

Kate gave the alarm for return of 22h and guarantees that the window of the room of the son was “all opening” and the raised blinds. Gonçalo Amaral questions, for example, that the friend of the couple ¿ Jane - it can have seen a man to load a child in the arms for return of 21h20/21h25. When little time later, and before being given lack of the minor (21h30), another member of the group, Matthew, goes to the apartments and not note that the window of the room is opened. For the sequência of the events, the alleged abductor already would have entered in the house and taken the girl in this height.

In the following day to the fatídico event, he has a reaction of Kate that leaves Gonçalo frightened Amaral. Somebody affirms to have seen a girl similar to Maddie in a service station and has video images. Kate that already had been heard in the PJ is obliged to return: “A little enfadada by having Reveals been obliged to return and bothered with the speed reached for the car of it polices where if it dislocated. We found odd that one did not reveal hopeful with the possibility of the girl to be recouped”.

Registers of extinguished calls

In the following morning to the disappearance, the PJ asks for to the parents to consult its telemóveis. E discovers that it enters 27 of April and 4 of May, Kate did not make no call. Nor it received no phone call enters 11h22 of day 2 of May and 23h17 of the night of the facts.

Already Gerry did not have no previous register to day 4 of May. However, the agents repair that in telemóvel of Kate the reception of a call made for its husband to 23h17 of day 3 of May is indicated. But in the one of it nothing does not consist. The PJ concluded that the registers of the calls were “extinguished of the telephones”. Reason?"

fonte: diario.iol.pt/sociedade/maddie-madeleine-pj-goncalo-amaral-mccann/974791-4071.html